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"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."
In April 2012, AccuWeather drastically shortened the range of their publicly available historical data from 15 years to 1 year.
"Fierce hail that caused major damage described as hell on Earth", from Fox News. "Massive hail storms keep hitting the U.S.", from The Washington Post. "Texas town deploys snow plows after 50-degree temperature swing and 2 feet of hail". "Residents of a southwest Texas town reported a dramatic temperature drop on Wednesday and hail so deep they had to deploy snow plows to clear the streets". "The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour". All from ABC News. From The Weather Channel: "DVD-Size Hailstones Fall in Texas". Record heat and record ice falling from the skies. Do these weather scenarios make sense meteorologically speaking? Welcome to patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding. What else will the coming weeks and months bring?
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

To support Geoengineering Watch:
Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008

To illustrate the theories and scientific developments perpetrated by the .01% watch and listen to Dr James Giordano (if you can tolerate his overwhelming ego):
David A Hughes takes on the 'transnational ruling class' who are using every means at their disposal to attack and weaken the entire human race!

Did you know that you can actually use phones without SIM cards? In some cases you don't even need an actual phone to make calls. You don't need to completely disconnect from the phone network but yet you can wipe yourself from the grid while still keeping a long term phone number. How do you that? We'll be explaining all of that in this video. Mirrored from:

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: Tech Companies Agreed to AI ‘Kill Switch’ to Prevent Terminator-Style Risks

AI Seoul Summit: 4 Key Takeaways on AI Safety Standards and Regulations

Policy Paper: Frontier AI Safety Commitments, AI Seoul Summit 2024

Interview 1877 – The Age of Neurowarfare with Stavroula Pabst

Story #2: Time and Place for Bilderberg 2024, May 30 – June 2 in Madrid, Spain Thread on Meeting Location

Nya Tider (TV Show)

Nya Tider (Newspaper)

Bilderberg Official Site

Corbett Report Search: “Bilderberg”

Elite Clubs As Career Elevator? Mixed Evidence from the Bilderberg Group

Declassified Papers Detail WWII Scandals, Kissenger’s Bilderberg Rejection, Cheese Study

Story #3: Robert De Niro Calls Trump “Clown” Outside Trial In Biden Campaign Message

“You Are Gangsters”: Robert De Niro Clashes With Pro-Trump Protesters

Trump Throws Absolute Fit In Middle-Of-The-Night Attack On Robert De Niro

The CIA And Robert De Niro – The CIA And Hollywood Episode 02

Search: deniro free pass on anti vaxxer views

The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

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An innocent shopper is abused by a squad of bored City of London police officers because he looked at them "in a funy way".
The police's priority is always to enforce their will upon others, which they place above any priority to tackle crime. This officer and his colleagues seem to believe they are entitled to imprison, assault and abuse members of the public who, in their opinion, give them the 'evil eye'.

I apologise to all my loyal followers for taking a year long sabbatical from YouTube. I have devoted that year entirely to finishing my book "Copper Stopper" which will be available at the end of summer.
Please subscribe to the newly revamped Crimebodge website if you want to get on the list for a copy.

With such a weapon, to hell with criminologists, there are no rifling on the bullet, no shells, no gunpowder, all the claims against the bearing manufacturing plant..
“a person who is not inwardly prepared for the use of violence against him is always weaker” than the person committing the violence.” Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago.

Video from 2021: Its my turn now, Banned from commenting on my channel, videos to follow: Proletarius64...
Aeode has had his capacity to comment on Bitchute censored and thus he cannot communicate with his supporters and subscribers; which limits intellectual discourse and thus limits informational exchange, which leads to solution-based change. Bitchute is controlled, make no qualms about this, and they simply slow-kill you via disabling of comments and via demoting you in the algorithm; eventually, like YouTube, they will implement no-reason termination. Mark my words. Let Bitchute know how displeased you are about their censorious ways, by rescinding any financial support you were granting them, duly. We shall always find ways to circumvent censorship and will never stop disseminating information to the people! Knowledge is power! Sic Semper Tyrannis, brothers and sisters.

“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American standard of living would be One Billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2-3 billion would be possible”.
The Global Biodiversity Assessment of 1995 was a follow up to the Rio Conference in 1992 and the implementation of Sustainable Development, a depopulation plan along with the control of all assets and human resources under a technocratic system enforced through Corporate governance.

Everyone has heard of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. But everything you have heard about the so-called “hundred days” is either a distortion, a misrepresentation or a downright lie. Unable to comment on my videos, nothing personal, Bitchute censorship..
That lie is still being used to perpetuate myths about the value of interventionism. In this incredibly important episode of The Corbett Report podcast, James does honour to the dead by breaking the staff of misinformation that the liars use to cast their spell on the public.

Patented chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations and extreme hail havoc around the world, “Giant Hail Is the Weather Threat Keeping Insurers Up at Night" from Bloomberg Law News. "Hailstorm covers Mexican city with thick ice amid heat wave" from Yahoo News. Record heat with record hail, welcome to engineered earth.
To support Geoengineering Watch:
Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008
Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers:

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Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:

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MP3: A look at the word and what it really means plus how the "Permanent Revolution" has become the tool of the Global Action Plan.
If you read only one book on revolution during your entire life, you must read Billington’s. This book is absolutely unequaled in Its ‘scope,’ depth, and detail, In its magnificent literary power, and in its biting, trenchant analysis of what the subtitle calls the “Origins of the Revolutionary Faith.” For revolution is a religious faith; as Billington says, it is “perhaps the faith of our time”, and his massive study abundantly demonstrates the anti-Christian and pseudoChristian character of revolutionary ideology.

Agents of Revolution
The Revolutionary spirit is accounted for. The Revolutionary spirit is harnessed and steered.

One of the major theses of his book is that the revolutionary faith originated not in the critical rationalism of the French Enlightenment (which, admittedly, was a religion as weil), but rather in the blatantly occult romanticism of secret societies, which stirred a heretical brew of Christian symbolism and pagan mysticism. Out of this demonic mixture were distilled the intoxicating revolutionary ideologies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the idolatrous attempts to replace the Christian faith, preaching and practicing the gospel of salvation through the shed blood of man.
The origins of the word revolution.

British Academy Film Awards nominees in best actor category Anthony 'the knife' Guinness & Peter 'nice' Oswald sent me a sneak preview of their soon to be realest docudrama "its nice to be nice" filmed in and around Shaw Gt Manchester, and writen and directed by Gene P Guilfoyle formerly of the Royal Shakespeare company.

Italy to draw up evacuation plan for Campi Flegrei super volcano.
Volcanologists believe the recent spike in seismic activity is linked to bradyseism, a phenomenon that involves the gradual uplift or descent of part of the earth's surface, caused by the filling or emptying of underground magma chambers or hydrothermal activity. Video Mirrored from:
There are 15 towns in the Campi Felgrei area, including Agnano and Pozzuoli, with a combined population of more than half a million people living in the so-called 'red zone' most at risk.

"Millions Of Americans Brace For 'Intense' Tornadoes During Memorial Day Weekend" from Fox News. "Hefty late-season Prairies snow may approach an all-time record" from The Weather Network. "Scorching heat wave to roast Texas, Gulf Coast over Memorial Day weekend" from Reuters. "Giant Hail Is the Weather Threat Keeping Insurers Up at Night" from Bloomberg. Tornadoes, record snow, record heat and giant hail, all in late May. Does this combination of catastrophes make sense? It does when climate intervention operations are considered. How much more interference and damage can the planet's life support systems sustain before they completely collapse?
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Dane Wigington

To support Geoengineering Watch:
Contact us: Dane Wigington, P.O. Box 9, Bella Vista, CA, 96008

The 'Story of the English Inn' was made in the 1940s and describes the history and importance of the good old English pub in British history.
Mirrored from:

Remix News & Views: Offering news and commentary from Central Europe, particularly the Visegrád countries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico predicting his own assassination just a month before yesterday's shooting.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in assassination attempt.
Five days earlier WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visits Slovakia and stated that he respected the decision of the Slovak Republic, but also encouraged the search for possible ways to reach an agreement......

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: Iran Launches Probe Into President’s Death In Helicopter Crash

Bell 212

Iran Begins Funerals for President Raisi, Others Killed

Are Sanctions Behind Iran’s Aviation Crisis? aviation-crisis

“It Wasn’t Us”: Israel Issues Clarification After Iran President’s Death In Helicopter Crash presidents-death-in-helicopter-crash/ar-BB1mHHPI

Who Is Mohammad Mokhber, Iran’s Interim President?

Turkey Says Helicopter Carrying Iran’s Raisi Did Not Emit Any Signal did-not-emit-any-signal

15 Nations Have Made Their Position On The WHO Sovereignty Grab, Misleadingly Spun As An “Equity” Effort, Publicly Known Before The WHA Meeting Commences misleadingly-spun-as-an-equity-effort-publicly-known-before-the-wha-meeting-commences/

Raisi Death Reshapes Iran Succession, Putting Focus on Khamenei Son

Story #2: The 77th World Health Assembly – A Decisive Moment for the Future of Global Health Cooperation of-global-health-cooperation/

Slim Chances for Pandemic Accord by World Health Assembly – But Agreement “In Principle” on Amendments to International Health Regulations charting-process-for-future-talks-may-be-possible/

Member States ‘Inch Closer’ to Pandemic Agreement; WHO Officials Sound Cautiously Optimistic Note sound-cautiously-optimistic-note/

Slovakia Will Not Support New Pandemic Treaty

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Expected to Survive After Shooting 24/index.html

National Movement to Protect Lives From the WHO

World Council for Health Japan’s 1 Million Signature Movement

Bilderberg 24 Madrid 30May-02Jun Eurostars Suites Mirasierra

This is not a good situation, residents are frightened, the largest Earthquake in 40 years together with many violent earthquakes is happening in Italy over Campi Flegrei right now, putting the residents of Pozzuoli and Naples in panic mode. Mirrored from:

New magazine demonstration. Probably most compact & lightweight magazine for EK Archery Cobra platform.
You can short both long and short bolts without any adjustments.
Fits your Adder, Siege or converted RX / R9 Cobra model. Mirrored from:

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's death has led to speculations about Israel's involvement. The dramatic development about Ebrahim Raisi comes amid conflicts in the region. Many Iranian experts smell a possible conspiracy behind the crash of the chopper carrying Raisi. Several theories around Raisi's death and Israel have surfaced. Some suspect Mossad’s hand in Raisi’s chopper crash amid Iran-Israel tensions. Amid speculations, Israel has reacted to the death of 'rival no. 1' in the midst of the Gaza war. Mirrored from:
Sincere condolences Mossad..

Did BlackRock's Larry Fink save the dollar?
"When the whale acts you better follow the whale or get off the table, between 50 & 60% of assets Worldwide are denominated in U.S. Dollars, so these fantasies and these scenarios of the dollar plunging and going off the cliff never going to happen" John Titus.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

4798 videos

Category News & Politics

Why do The cabalists of the Global Cabal fear the ultimate truth?
Mark Windows - The Force “They” Fear. These copyists, the cabalists in return called their imitating power “The Mysterious Force” which was to destroy the teaching of the early Christians as the truth within it was deemed to have a supernatural power which could defeat them, it was simply called the Truth or The Way.

The one question that is always asked is "What is the solution?". This show answers that question and looks at what is really meant by solution. The solution comes from fully understanding the problem and acting accordingly. A follow on from our recent shows and The Protocols of Power ...

“a person who is not inwardly prepared for the use of violence against him is always weaker” than the person committing the violence.” Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago.

"the ignorant will always participate in their own demise" Mark Windows.

''When your education limits your imagination it's called indoctrination'' To prevent and direct change within the individual. The Principals of Secondary Education Alexander James Inglis. 1918 Carnegie Rockefeller funded book. They've never looked back.

“For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves and then punish them.”
Sir Thomas More, Utopia

The rules aren’t meant to make sense. They are meant to be obeyed. The more contradictory & illogical the regulations become, the more your compliance is valued. If you can force a person to abandon their judgment in favor of your own, you have total control over their reality...

"The solution is actually knowing what the problem is"
The planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation. By this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit.
The public are not excluded from looking for these ongoing plans but they are not looking for them so do not look for and do not see the signs of change. As set out in the 1987 a publication from The World Commission on Environment and Development 'Our Common Future'..
UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.The main driver of the system is depopulation. The optimum world population according to the global governance system is One Billion The above show outlines clearly the system under which this is to be achieved.
The Global Biodiversity Assessment of 1995 was a follow up to the Rio Conference in 1992 and the implementation of Sustainable Development, a depopulation plan along with the control of all assets and human resources under a technocratic system enforced through Corporate governance.

I just wanted to give you some links to a few outstanding, online sources who are providing high quality reports and insights into current affairs, history, geopolitics and more.

This is not an exhaustive list, there are many other high quality sites, but I recommend all the content provided by those listed here. Please check out their posts, video channels, podcasts and more.

The Corbett Report

Windows on the World

Richie Allen

Unlimited Hangout Truthstream Media is not your mainstream news! unscripted analysis of The Matrix we live in.


The Off-Guardian

Tragedy and Hope

The Electronic Frontier Foundation:

Global Research

The Conscious Resistance

Technocracy News

Lew Rockwell

Geoengineering Watch

Max Igan

Mik Anderson

Form small local groups of like minded people once 'they' cut our lines of communication-the removal of the Internet the situation will degenerate very quickly. No one who has voiced opinions contrary to the official narrative will have access to the Spiders Web, see DARPA.console yourself in the fact that's a least a third of the Worlds population: